House Fly

Along with being a nuisance, House Flies are well known for their capacity to spread disease. A good day for a fly is eating its main course out of the trash receptacle and if it’s a great day, a little feces for dessert. Contaminates that are picked up during feeding are then transferred to other surfaces. In addition, they defecate constantly. Flies can be difficult because they come in as people enter the building. However, through taking proper precautions and targeted treatments the presence of these pests can be minimized.

Small Filth Fly

Most people refer to any small fly that hangs around moist areas like the dish room or bar as a Fruit Fly. There are many species of small flies that prefer areas such as these. They all have two things in common; 1) they need moist organic material available to thrive and 2) they are all prolific breeders. Knowledge and identification of conditions conducive to supporting small flies is an important first step in the protocol. Once identified we have an arsenal of tools to control small filth fly problems.